(The Heights Medical Practice)

The Heights Medical Practice team is committed to providing a holistic approach towards diagnosis & management of illness, whilst promoting health, well being & disease prevention to all patients.

We accept patients who have:

We have access to:


Services we offer

Surgical procedures
Our doctors can perform minor procedures for both simple to complex cases. This may include skin biopsies, removal of suspicious lesions, abscess draining, suturing, liquid nitrogen therapy, excision of cysts, PRP injections and many more. Please ensure you tell administration staff if you would like to book a minor surgical procedure so we are able to book sufficient time for your appointment or speak with your doctor at your next consultation.
Work cover consultations
Our doctors can provide efficient & professional management of work cover related injuries. In the event of work related injury, our administration staff will alert our doctor on duty, where all necessary medical support & treatment will be given to the patient that same day. Please advise administration staff when making your appointment that it is a work cover related matter.
Home visits
Home visits are available for our regular patients whose condition/s prevent them from attending the practice. If you require a home visit, please call our receptionists and they will be happy to speak with one of our doctors, to arrange a visit (if deemed necessary) for you.
We provide annual influenza & pneumococcal vaccines to eligible patients and to a cost of other patients. We also provide all childhood immunisations and our doctors are able to advise the recommended immunisations in conjunction with the NSW immunisation schedule. Travel vaccines are also available at our clinic, however provided at a fee. Travel vaccines will need to be discussed with your doctor prior to receiving your vaccine. Please keep in mind that specific immunisations require multiple vaccinations over a period of time, therefore you may need to plan these in advance of your travel.
Women's health
Our experienced doctors can provide care for women in every stage of their life. Our doctors are able to offer routine cervical screening, advice, health checks and pregnancy tests. Please discuss with your doctor if you wish to book an appointment for any of the above screening, that way sufficient time can be booked for Your appointment.
Check ups
Check-ups can involve a discussion about your general well being and overall health, re-assessment of new treatment, blood tests, assessing blood pressure, cardiovascular risk and many more. Prevention is an important part of what we do, and is the best approach to maintaining good health. Our doctors can advise on all aspects of lifestyle to put you on the right path to an improved quality of life.
Smoking cessation support
The cancer council estimate smoking causes on average, 20% of the nation's cancer disease burden each year. Quitting smoking can be one of the most challenging, yet rewarding things a person can do. As soon as you quit smoking, there are already long-term health benefits. So come and speak to our doctors about advice and Support for quitting smoking.
Care plans
Your GP is able to develop an individual management plan for mental health disorders. This plan allows you to access medicare-rebatable services such as a registered/clinical psychologist or other allied mental health services.

Chronic disease management plans can also be developed which encourages a holistic approach to management that can identify your health care needs, services your doctor can provide and identifies what you need to do. This applies to people whom have had a chronic disease for at least 6 months or it is terminal. If you are eligible, medicare benefits may also apply for allied health services.

Please ensure you book sufficient time for these appointments by advising our administration staff when booking.

Meet The Heights Medical Practice Team

Dr Ulrich Liedvogel

Practice Principal

Dr Liedvogel has a keen interest in the management and rehabilitation of acute injuries.

Dr Sonya McClure


Dr McClure’s interests are women’s health, paediatrics, mental health, and preventative medicine


Practice Manager



The Heights Medical Practice

The Heights Medical Practice

The Heights Medical Practice is committed to providing a holistic approach towards diagnosis & management of illness, whilst promoting health, wellbeing and disease prevention to all patients.

Hunter Acute Injury Management Unit

Hunter Acute Injury Management Unit

The Hunter Acute Injury Management Unit has been integrated into The Heights Medical Practice so we have the ability to treat & manage acute injuries. This includes simple to complex injuries.